The wonderful textile artist Gilda Baron inspired me to create this piece
I worked much the same as Glenda although I havent the patience to do all the hand sewing so where she does French Knots and all sorts of fancy stitchwork,I opted out for beads instead....... mine is a much simpler version,What drew me to this was the idea of painting a landscape background first off onto fabric.
I started with a plain piece of white cotton material,then painted with fabric paints also used some Acrylic paint,and Fabric Markers.
Next came the machine sewing,I used my darning foot,actually done some free sewing lol WITH a sewing hoop !! needs a lot of practice........
I,m quite pleased with the outcome,not sure what it will be used for yet,maybe a book cover or a wall hanging.........The poppies are more red/ orange looking here on my desk !
I used Fabric paper for these.
B e a u t i f u l! I love poppies!
blimey well done this looks lovely thought you had painted it ...lol..very clever girlie haha
Pattie, this is so pretty! Fabulous!
I have this book and I think you have done a beautiful rendition in her style. I love the open airy effect. Makes me think of all the fields of flowers I have seen over the years.
Julie from Alaska
Love it Pattie... and the Angel is stunningly gorgeous too!
Free sewing already, Pattie - I love the way you just get stuck in. Just perfect.
It's just wonderful!! I love all your work! :)
This is really beautiful Pattie, lovely work, I would feel happier hand stitching though :)
beautiful as always, must arrange to pop over for masterclass
Hi Pattie, These flowers are delightful!!I just wished it was still summer.
Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment on my blog about my dog.I could not believe what your cat was called. We also hated the emptiness it left so we got a another dog last week and guess what she is called...Pippa, it must be in the name!
XxX Manon
This is lovely at first I thought it was all painted, really beautiful work! Wish I could sew!
There's a little Award on my blog for you, it's taken me ages, so the post isn't at the top of my blog. If I've done this right you should find it
it is a wonderful piece of fabric.
the flowers are so beautiful
Patty, Your poppies are lovely.
This is absolutely stunning Pattie. The fabric painting works so well with the stitching and embroidery. I've got Gilda's book too but haven't taken the plunge to do the beautiful things yet as I tend to try and work out how to do it with paper lol.
Fliss xx
Love this Pattie!!
I love this piece. It also led me to Gilda Baron, which I thank you for. I like the relative simplicity of your landscape. Very nice. Could you talk a little more about the flowers? I think you say they are made from fabric paper. I know you talk about other fabric paper projects as well. But anything you could add about how you made THESE fabric paper flowers would be good. It looks like they do a good job of capturing the ethereal beauty of poppies.
Hi Donaleen
Hope you find this as i couldnt find a contact addy for you or a blog,so will just leave this link how to make fabric paper for you or anyone else reading this,
This is how the poppies started off then I just cut out tiny circles to sew on my piece,thankyou for your lovely comment x
Thank you. I actually found that link. It still seems rather mysterious to me. Maybe I just have to do it. What kind of fabric paint/fabric dye did you use? How many colors did it take to achieve so many colors in your poppies?
You can reach me at donaleen@gmail.com if you prefer.
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