Ink it up!
Backgrounds for cards are normally easy you can find them just about anywhere, example=downloadable printables,CD.s,wallpaper,the list goes on,even wrapping papers,but i dont like easy :))
I love to make my own with inks/acrylics/crumpled Paper/Stamping/Chalk's,another list that goes on,but its all down to the Art and your imagination !
These two example pictures at the top are created withAdirondack Alcohol ink,i am now making my own inks with Dylon clothing Dye's,just to see if i can haha,it works for me !
I start off with some pieces of Glossy card stock or photo paper,Then proceed to drop the ink onto the paper or sprinkle different colours then rotatethe paper/card,so the ink runs in different directions,as i go, i may drop in some more,WOW so exciting to watch as the colours intermingle with each other,its just amazing,i get a real buzz !
i could spend a day just making backgrounds,then stash them away,for the next card creation or ATC's.