Watercolour Book

Take a good look LOL as it will be a long time before its this tidy again !!
Saturday evening,didnt feel in the mood for crafting,looked at the mess in my Art room,thought right here goes big cleanup,I dont like working in a mess,when paint is splattered over everything and things get put away in wrong drawers,it gets a headache,I waste lots of time just looking for stuff......so here it is TIDY lol
I also made more workspace,as all round the rest of the room is those plastic drawers on wheels,bookcases,TV,PC, etc,I quite enjoyed myself,reorganising them,lets hope I can find stuff now lol,everythings labelled so should be ok..
After finishing that,I had found loads of watercolour paper offcuts,this is very precious to me,as w/colour paper is quite expensive,out comes the Bind it All machine to make a book,then it needed something on the cover..........has to be a painted one of course,with a bit of stamping and hey one of those Brocade butterflies lol,I then brushed it all over with Mod Podge