My bits

For Holly

Second Hand Rose once again lol
My trip to Covent Garden Antique and secondhand Market ,was a success on the beads and buttons but not so much Lace,I was looking for Victorian lace, they did have some but very expensive,I managed to find a stall that was selling bits and pieces at £1 a bit,looked very tatty but thats the name of the game lol,I was really excited to find the old cloth buttons that i can dye,very cheap,I took all she had which wasnt a lot as you see !Another lady had french lace £1 a metre that was great.
All the beads in the compartment box are broken jewellery,took me ages to sort out in colour etc,well pleased,so not a bad day could have been better,it was so cold so we did'nt want to hang about,was hoping to get in to see a westend show....no afternoon shows on a Monday so we didnt plan that to well lol.
Holly my daughter in Law asked me to look out for stuff for her handicapped peoples art and craft classes,i found just the stall with bags of mixed flowers, jewellery etc... all sorts for £1 a bag,so they can have fun using their creativity with that hopefully.Shes got them doing Fabric Art lol.
My friend Joan who came with me makes necklaces,she found some broken ones shes going to recycle,lucky enough we was alone in the train compartment so tucked into some fresh cream eclairs on the way home lol .