Happy New year bloggers ! This Christmas i bought myself a Dylusions Journal as a treat it was on my wish list,it started off as a complete blank A4 thick book,this hopefully will last me all year ! for when i,m in the mood to just throw some paint around and try to be creative :)
I have been itching to make a start on it all over Xmas and now i have ! It was a daunting task,really had to think about what i wanted to say,also what materials to use.
I had a couple of lovely textured canvases as Xmas prezzies and noticed the artists had used Scrim to add texture,so thought i would like to try this.
First to start on the cover,I Gesso'd over then sprayed Dylusion Inks over using turquoise and greens,also Luminere paints,(used makeup sponges to smooth out the colour)then masks to pattern over,Once dry, coated over with Golden Gloss Gel,laid my scrim down,went over that with the gel too,also sprayed some more colour,I had some nice grungy letters in my stash to paint,using UHU glue to fix.A big area to cover,easier than i thought and didnt take long !
So now opening the book there is a hardback cover inside to create my first page for 2013 !I belong to an Art Group on FB where we get prompt's each week,this is the first,"Goodbye 2012"........here it is finished phewwww.....all done ,now looking forward to next weeks !
Wishing you all a lovely Arty crafty year ahead!