As a lot of you know my beautiful Saffie passed away a little while ago,I missed her so much,my friend Joan insisted that we go to a Cat Sanctuary and find another for me,we went to http://chestnutcatsanctuary.co.uk/
Which is near where I live............soon as i saw Pippa I knew she was for me,shes an indoor cat and does,nt go out which is ideal for me living in a first floor flat,Saffie was the same.
Shes settled in well,follows me around and when I,m crafting she loves to lay on my other desk to watch me,gradually her paw goes in the boxs lol she cant resist playing with the bits,I have to keep rescuing stuff !
Her breed is a british Blue she is huge!3YR old I have never had a pedigree cat before,she certainly knows she's a cut above lol, walks around like she owns the place haha.