I was recently invited by Rustycage11 to take part in a Jam Swap 4x4 pages also taking part was Val, Flippinpest ,the following pages are my creations,the themes being Wabi Sabi,Drumroll(childrens entertainment)and my choice Poems....... These first ones are for Deb( Rustycage11) starting with Wabi Sabi her theme choice !

The Back........ an explaination of Wabi Sabi,there is a lot more to it,than the part I chose, I opted for the colour palette.

Front(Wabi Sabi).......The background is alcohol inks then stamped on a piece of acetate then laid over...... a miniture domino stamped and added as a tag,also a braided tag,stamped,the otherside of this tag is metal,run through my Cuttlebug.
For the Poem theme I chose to do a watercolour scene which I thought would go nice with the poem .

This last one I did a collage of the circus on alcohol inks ..........(Drumroll ,this was Flippinpest's theme choice)

This next set I created for Val (Flippinpest)much the same techniques.You can see the metal tag in this pic, I did the same on Deb's.

A different Poem for Val on the back !
Drumroll !
Thankyou girls for inviting me,a very enjoyable swap !
It was great taking part in the swap Pattie and as you know I was delighted with my swaps :-) It is delightful to see all the different interpretations of the themes
Beautiful Pattie, you are so talented.
I love them all Pattie, just wish they were mine, LOL
They're all great Pattie - love the beating the drum one.
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