Couldnt wait to get back to my Fabric Art,started on my Vintage ladies fabric book,these are all the pages ready for making into a book,I still have the covers to do,needs a lot of thought before i jump in,also i may add some more embellishments to a couple of these.......
I,m quite mad with myself because i really wanted to experiment with more mixed media for the backgrounds and bellies,but because i have been deprived from playing with my fabrics and images (due to painting lol)I just had to get inspired again,so the next book i,m going to really get into trying out new techniques...saying all that i,m pleased with these and will have fun putting it all together,hopefully today !
I have used transfered images done with freezer paper through my printer,and dye'd all my background fabrics,some fabric paper used too,also I made a couple of fabric beads,and added some pieces of vintage lace and buttons,which are so hard to find nowadays,I must go on the hunt,antique shops,markets etc,always enjoy that !
These are gorgeous Pattie!
Lovely pages Pattie, can't wait to see them all together in a book
Perfect, perfect, perfect - I'll have to look up how to do images with freezer paper - you have lovely transfers
WOW ..Everything is so delightfully put together ... Your choice of fabric and images are fabulous Pattie...Hugs
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